Perceived Organizational Support As Moderation Relationship Between Transformational Leadership And Employee Green Innovative Behavior (At The West Sumatra Province Health Service Employee)
Published: December 7, 2023
This study aims to prove the effect of transformational leadership and perceived organizational support on employee green innovative behavior. In addition, this study also aims to prove the impact of perceived organizational support in strengthening the relationship between transformational leadership and employee green innovative behavior. The research was conducted on employee in the West Sumatra Provincial Health Office. The process of collecting data and information was carried out by means of a survey, namely distributing questionnaires to employee in the West Sumatra Provincial Health Office. This research is an associative research. This research consists of employee green innovative, transformational leadership and perceived organizational support. The analytical method used is Structral Equation Modeling (SEM). The stages of data processing are assisted by using Partial Least Square (PLS) sofaware. Based on the results of hypothesis testing, it was found that transformational leadership and perceived organizational support had a positive effect on employee green innovative behavior. In addition, it can also be proven that perceived organizational support strengthens the relationship between transformational leadership and employee green innovative behavior among employee of the West Sumatra Provincial Health Office. Thus the proposed hypothesis can be proven.