The Influence of Intention to Use Green Product Reusable Drinking Straw on Young Generation in Padang City


This study aims to determine: The influence of Attitudes, Subjective Norms, Perceived Behavior Control, Moral Norms and Self-Identity on Intention to Use. This research uses quantitative methods. The population in this study is the younger generation who live in Padang city. The sampling technique used a purposive sampling method with a sample size of 220 people. The data collection technique used a questionnaire and this study used a structural equation model test (SEM) with smart PLS 3.0 software.

The results of this study indicate that (1) Attitude has a significant effect on intention to use, (2) subjective norms have no positive effect on intention to use, (3) perceived behavioral control has a significant effect on intention to use, (4) moral norms has a signifikan effect on intention to use, and (5) self-identity has a significant effect on intention to use.