Universal Minangkabau Leadeship and Organizational Culture on Organizational Citizenship Behavior through Organizational Commitment as a Mediating Variable
Published: December 15, 2023
This study aims to examine and analyze: (1) The effect of universal Minangkabau leadership on organizational citizenship behavior in Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (2) The influence of organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior in Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (3) The influence of leadership minangkabau universal on organizational commitment to retail MSME employees in Padang City, (4) The influence of organizational culture on organizational commitment to Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (5) The effect of organizational commitment to organizational citizenship behavior on Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (6 ) The effect of universal Minangkabau leadership on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by organizational commitment to retail MSME employees in Padang City, (7) The influence of organizational culture on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by organizational commitment to Retail MSME employees in Padang City. This research is a causative research. The population in this study were Retail MSME employees in Padang City. The sample size was determined using the Cochran formula so that 100 employees were selected using area sampling (cluster sampling). Data collection was carried out using a questionnaire using a Likert scale. The data analysis technique used is PLS SEM with the help of the SmartPLS 4 software application.The results of this study indicate that: (1) universal Minangkabau leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior on Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (2) organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior on Retail MSME employees in Padang City, ( 3) universal Minangkabau leadership has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment to Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (4) organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational commitment to Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (5) organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior on Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (6) universal Minangkabau leadership has a positive but not significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by organizational commitment to Retail MSME employees in Padang City, (7) organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on organizational citizenship behavior mediated by organizational commitment to Retail MSME employees in Padang City.