The effect of brand authenticity, hedonic value, and utilitarian value toward brand love with customer satisfaction as intervening variables on “vans” shoes products (Case Study Among Gen-Z in Padang City)
Published: June 17, 2022
The purpose of this research are to analyze: (1) the influences of brand authenticity toward brand love, (2) the influences of brand authenticity toward customer satisfaction, (3) the influences of hedonic value toward brand love, (4) the influences of hedonic value toward customer satisfaction, (5) the influences of utilitarian value toward brand love, (6) the influences of utilitarian value toward customer satisfaction, (7) the influence of customer satisfaction toward brand love. The type of this research is causative research. This research aims to analyze the effect of brand authenticity, hedonic value and utilitiran value toward brand love with customer satisfaction as intervening variable on “Vans” shoes product (case study among gen-z in padang city). This research used 244 respondents who have bought Vans shoes. The analytical method used is structural equation model (SEM) with PLS (Partial Least Square) analysis. The results of this research indicated that brand authenticity, hedonic value and customer satisfaction has significant influence toward brand love. Also, brand authenticity, hedonic value, and utilitiran value has significant influence toward customer satisfaction. Whereas, utilitarian value has no significant influence toward brand love.