The Effect of Perceived Organizational Support on Organizational Citizenship Behavior with Work Engagement as a Mediating Variable

  • Published: December 26, 2022


This study’s objective was to analyze the perceived organizational support’s effect on organizational citizenship behavior at SMK Negeri 2 Bukittinggi with work engagement as its variable of mediating. This research is using a causal research type. This study aimed all teachers of SMK Negeri 2 Bukittinggi as its population, totaling 77 all of them. This research is using the total sampling technique with a total sample of 77 people. The data that been used in this research is using the primary data. The tool used for the data collection in this study is using questionnaire form by Likert Scale. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is the technique that been used for the analysis by using smartPLS 3.3.9  data analysis. Result obtained from the study are: perceived organizational support gave significant and positive impact on the organizational citizenship behavior, perceived organizational support gave significant and positive effect on work engagement, work engagement also giving significant and positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior, work engagement considerably affects the association between perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior.